
Amazing. Really. Why I hate the Phone ~ Part IV

ME: Hello, thank you for calling…blah blah blah

Rocket Scientist: Hi, I was just calling because I called earlier today and was transferred to a couple different people and then they were going to call me back, but I’m getting ready to leave here and travel to *insert place here* so I wanted them to know because they haven’t called me back.

Me (after recovering from a huge paragraph that held no significant information at all): Ok..do you know who you were talking to?

Rocket Scientist: No…I never got to talk to anyone. They didn’t call me back.

Me (pause): Ok…who were you supposed to talk to?

Rocket Scientist: I don’t know, I was calling for them.

Me: Well who were you calling for???(can you tell me SOMETHING that resembles ANYTHING)

Rocket Scientist: *pause*

Me: Ok do you know why you were calling? Was it a nurse? A Doctor? Were you asking about an appointment?

Rocket Scientist: Well I was going to have an MRI and I had some questions about what that entailed.

Honestly. Is it a game to these people? Or are they really just THAT stupid?


Were You Born This Way? Why I Hate Phones ~ Part III

Me: Hello, thank you for calling…blah blah blah

Phone Impaired Idiot: Did you call me?

Me: I’m sorry sir? What did you say?

Phone Impaired Idiot: Did you call me?

Me (exasperated sigh): Well, I don’t know…who is this?

Phone Impaired Idiot: this is *so and so* and I saw this number on my phone so I thought I’d call back and see who called me.

Me: Well sir, do you have any idea of who might be calling you? Are you coming into the hospital anytime soon?

Phone Impaired Idiot: no.

Me: Are there any patients here that might be calling you?

Phone Impaired Idiot: no.

(Is there ANYTHING helpful you can tell me at ALL that would save me from thinking you’re an idiot?)

Me: So you have no reasonable idea of who might be calling you from this establishment?
(I mean seriously people, I’m. not. a. mind. Reader. And I don’t care to be. Simple phone etiquette tells you to at least inform the person of as much knowledge as you can so to better help you in the long run. Moron.)

Phone Impaired Idiot: no, no idea.

Me: well it may have been a wrong number sir, if they didn’t leave a message I have no way of knowing who called you. This is the main number of the HOSPITAL, it could be hundreds of different people.

Phone Impaired Idiot: so you don’t know who called me?

Somebody please just kill me.


Excuse Me? Why I Hate Phones ~ Part II

Me: Hello, thank you for calling …. blah blah blah

Uninformed Family Member : Hi, uh…I need to know if my sister is in the hospital.

Me: Ok…what is your sisters name?

Uninformed Family Member: *so and so*

Me: sorry, I don’t have anyone with that name here.

Uninformed Family Member: Oh….uh..ok…*silence for 8 very long seconds*

Uninformed Family Member: So she’s not there? She’s in the hospital.

Me: no sir, she is not here. We are not the only hospital in this city. Do you know what surgery she was having? Heart, hip, back, etc?

Uninformed Family Member: no……ok bye.

Now for what I WANTED to say:

Uninformed Family Member : Hi, uh…I need to know if my sister is in the hospital.

Me: Then I would recommend you call your FAMILY and find out. Because I neither have the time nor want to do something that you, as a loyal and caring member of your family, should be smart enough to figure out on your own. I am not a psychic, I do not want to hold your hand and guide you through life and although I do appear to hold all of the answers in the universe…..your sisters medical status ain’t one of them.
Quit being a lazy idiot.

Why I Hate Phones ~ Part I

Idiot on Phone: Yeah, I had an appointment today but I was wanting to see if there were any cancellations so I could come in early?

Me: Ok…what's your name?

Idiot on Phone: *insert stupid name here*

Me: Ok…what were you having done?

Idiot on Phone: Well, I don't know. They didn't tell me anything.

Me: They didn't tell you anything? You mean you don't know the procedure you were having?

Idiot on Phone: No.

Me (with frustration): Were you going to a doctors appointment?

Idiot on Phone: I don't know.

Me: Well what doctor were you supposed to see?

Idiot on Phone: I'm not sure.

Me: You don't know what doctor you were supposed to see?

Idiot on Phone: No.

Me (trying to conceal my annoyance): Well I can't transfer your phone call without more information. It could be many different departments…or not even this facility.

Idiot on Phone: oh. I need more information?(I didn't realize it was National Repeat Day)

Me: yes.
(what I wanted to say here was, you dumb moron- do you think I'm a freakin mind reader? Are you really to stupid to know what's going on with your own BODY that you don't even know why you're coming in??? Shoot, give me $3,000 and I'll tell you whatever you want to know. Idiot.)

Idiot on Phone: I guess I'm going to have a hard time when I get there aren't I?

Me (holding my breath): Well……..probably.
(how do you answer obviously stupid questions without sounding like an @$$??)

Idiot on Phone: well they wanted to check *insert thing here*

Me: Sir, I can't help you if you can't give me more information. I need a doctors name or procedure or at least a department to send you too.
(I started channeling Jerry McGuire- "Help ME, Help YOU. Help ME, HELP YOU")

Idiot on Phone: oh. Ok.

Shoot me now. These people drive cars.