
The First Rule of Receptionists, Is We Don't Talk About Receptionists.

Number one rule when dealing with receptionists. Don’t screw with them. They are your lifeguard, your roadmap, your connection with ANY and EVERY thing.

Well, at least in the building you’re in at that time.

If you screw with them, they will make your life miserable. Suddenly people will be at meetings, phones will be busy, and certain persons schedules will just “fill right up” at a moments notice. But when remembering all of these things…..remember this most of all, Do not, and I mean Do NOT screw with hospital receptionists. We’re the worst kind. Because we deal with stupidity day in and day out. And when it comes to you and your problem?

We. Don’t. Care.

We’ve become immune to crisis. We no longer cast a sad eye to those unfortunate souls who are too stupid to know any better. The thing is? You can still be polite and tasteful while maintaining a mid-to-high level of sarcasm. I don’t think that any of the stereotypical medical receptionists are right in their level of arrogance and lack of charm. However, I do understand where they’re coming from. But to be truly smiling and convincing while mentally giving them the finger and secretly loathing their entire being, takes talent. It does, no doubt. And that is wherein the best receptionists are born.

I have charm, I have wit, hear me roar! I am, The *Receptionist.

* for those of you older beings we used to be called “secretaries”. But that word was apparently too sexy for feminists, and so they needed to knock it down to something more fitting their level… A word that comes close to bringing to mind the same feelings that “librarian” does. And around the world the mullet loving lesbian feminists are celebrating this minor “victory” by dancing naked in the moonlight while hugging trees and chanting about how much they hate men, while real things that matter go unchecked. The only good that comes from this, is the fact that they can’t procreate and make more idiots.